A Fantasy, Light Novel Blog

The sunbeams also lead to a small white table right to the left in a little living room; on the table was served a patient and frugal petit dejeuner -- for two persons -- over a cute chessboard fabric. But there wasn't anybody there apparently and Addora wouldn't dare to solve the meal without being invited to; she wasn't even supposed to be at that dwelling at first...! From the windows, she could gaze on the closer horizon hills and valleys with darkened woods surrounded by mists, and more above a dim sky of a late dawn. As her eyes were reaccustomed to the environment, Addora finds out a little coffer just below the window ahead of the bed, and backing the box a familiar gladius inside its battered leather, bronze ornated scabbard; it was her sword Diazurita. She then was tempted to open the coffer, wondering if by chance the -- whoever might be -- host wouldn't have stored her clothes inside, for she wearing pajamas; and those were funny pajamas one should say: baggy as a karate kimono and with a very clear aqua tinge, sprinkled with lots of little lilac crescent moons. Dota giggled in her mind because there was a large mirror beside her, furthermore she used to like the stars... now she wanted to arrange her fawn, quasi ochre hair, but decided it was more imminent keeping her latter pursuit.

      The coffer was actually ajar, and inside she indeed found her Chivalry uniform: a burgundy close-fitting tunic, the leather thigh high boots, armor bracers among other knight trek accessories. But besides those, there were 3 envelopes with her name inscribe with big, beautiful cursive callygraphy through navy ink-pen; there was also a closed tiny box and other strange forms wrapped inside sepia velvet. Quickly, and with almost unbearable curiosity, Dota opens the first envelope and extracts from it a one-letter white page; she doesn't even seek for the sender signature as she recognizes, both surprised and relieved, the handwriting of Cinisippe. The letter says as follow:

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